About Me 👩‍💻 

Nnenna Ndukwe Profile Photo

Nnenna Ndukwe

Hacking life as a Developer Advocate in Boston, passionate about learning in public.

9 years ago, I began teaching myself how to code while working as a tanning consultant. Now, I give back to the tech community through technical content creation, mentorship, and philanthropy.

- @nnennahacks, 2025

I write code, build community, create content, develop strategies, and execute them. Then, I share my process with the tech community.

I'm enthusiastic and optimistic about AI and DevOps. I've worked as a software engineer in med tech, fintech, and media tech. I Studied Computer Science at Boston University and am a Resilient Coders alum.

I’m a 2019 Google Women Techmakers Scholar, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Boston 2018 “Engineer of the Year” award winner, and an international speaker.

I currently have a newsletter on LinkedIn called The Career Compiler! 🎊 

Subscribe for my brief insights on AI, continuous learning, self-improvement, and productivity! ✅ 

The Career Compiler - my latest LinkedIn newsletter

Subscribe here if you’d like to read a more in-depth, technical blog. 👩‍💻 

Code Things 💻️ 

Features & Collaborations 🤝 

Books I’m Currently Reading! 📖 

AI Engineering by Chip Huyen

Generative AI on Google Cloud with LangChain by Leonid Kuligin

Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch) by Sebastian Raschka

Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices by Rosemary Wang

Irreducible by Federico Faggin

Organizations & Communities I’m Active In 🛠️ 

  • Women Defining AI

  • Women x AI

  • Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (MTLC)

  • Tech Ladies

  • Developer Marketing Alliance

  • Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

  • Open Source Security Foundation

  • Cyber Women of Boston

  • BlackRel

  • DevRel Collective

  • Open Data Science Global

  • Women Who Code Boston

  • Boston AI User Group

  • East Coast vLLM Meetup

Hobbies ✈️ 

In my free time, you can find me reading, writing, traveling, volunteering, and spending quality time with loved ones (which includes my chubby cat, Pippin). Oh, and doing Pilates. Everyday. 🧘‍♀️ 

You can find me on most social platforms as @nnennahacks.